Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28- September 2 Lesson Plans

August 29- September 2
Objectives: Students will…
1. Read Platypus Lost Days 1-5
2. Recognize sight words the, little
3. Recognize rhyming words
4. Be introduced to letters Oo-Vv
5. Recognize shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle
6. Review colors
7. Learn “all about me”

Language Arts: Day 1 Platypus Lost, sight words the, little. Recognize rhyming words
Math: Recognize circle. Review daily routines: counting jar, here/not here chart, question of the day.
Social Science: All About Me: Our body

Language Arts: Day 2 Platypus Lost, sight words the, little. Recognize rhyming words
Math: Recognize triangle. Review daily routines
Social Science: All About Me: Feelings

Language Arts: Day 3 Platypus Lost, sight words the, little. Recognize rhyming words.
Math: Recognize square. Review daily routines.
Social Science: All About Me: Nutrition.

Language Arts: Day 4 Platypus Lost, sight words the, little. Recognize rhyming words
Math: Recognize rectangle. Review daily routines.
Social Science: All About Me: My Family

Language Arts: Day 1 Platypus Lost, sight words the, little. Recognize rhyming words
Math: Review all shapes. Review daily routines.
Social Science: All About Me: My Favorite Things

Saturday, August 20, 2011

August 22-August 26

August 22- August 26
Objectives: Students will…
1. Read Fix It Duck Days 1-5
2. Recognize sight words I, am
3. Recognize rhyming words
4. Be introduced to letters Ff- Ll
5. Recognize colors yellow, orange, green, brown, pink, purple, black, and white
6. Review colors red, blue
7. Be introduced to Nursery Rhymes

Language Arts: Day 1 Fix it Duck, Letter Ff, sight words I, am. Recognize rhyming words
Math: Recognize colors yellow, orange. Review daily routines: counting jar, here/not here chart, question of the day.
Social Science: Learn Nursery Rhyme Twinkle Twinkle Little Star- make yellow star

Language Arts: Day 2 Fix it Duck. Letter Gg, Hh. Sight words I, am. Recognize rhyming words.
Math: Recognize color green. Review daily routines
Social Science: Learn Nursery Rhyme Jack and Jill. Complete coloring sheet, focusing on the green hill in the nursery rhyme.

Language Arts: Day 3 Fix it Duck. Letter Ii, Jj. Sight words I, am. Recognize rhyming words.
Math: Recognize color brown. Review daily routines.
Social Science: Learn Nursery rhyme Old Mother Hubbard. Make dog ear headband.

Language Arts: Day 4 Fix it Duck. Letter Kk, Ll. Sight words I, am. Recognize rhyming words.
Math: Recognize colors pink, purple. Review daily routines.
Social Science: Learn nursery rhyme This Little Piggy. Make paper bag pig puppets.

Language Arts: Day 5 Fix it Duck. Review letters Aa-Hh.
Math: Recognize colors black and white. Review all colors. Review daily routines.
Social Science: Learn nursery rhyme Bah Bah Black Sheep. Make black sheep.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 15- August 19 Lesson Plans

Monday – Wednesday:
Language Arts-
• DIBELS test, Benchmark assessment, Day 1 The Little School Bus.
• Introduce centers and procedures
• Introduce letters in the alphabet
• Introduce calendar, counting jar, question of the day, and here/not here chart.
• Practice counting
Social Science-
• Read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
• Read the “Monster” Story and complete activities.
Language Arts-
• Complete individual portion of Benchmark assessment.
• Day 2 The Little School Bus
• Review centers and procedures
• Continue to introduce letters in the alphabet
• Practice daily routines
• Practice counting
• Introduce the color red
Social Science-
• Read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Complete activities
Language Arts-
• Day 3 The Little School Bus
• Review centers and procedures
• Continue to introduce letters in the alphabet
• Practice daily routines
• Practice counting
• Introduce the color blue. Review the color red.
Social Science-
Read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Make Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees.