Monday, December 15, 2014

Lesson Plans for December 15-18


The students will:

1. Review all letters
2. Review sight words

3. Day 1-5 Christmas book
4. Review all math skills
5. Learn characteristics of Christmas season

Math:  Review all math skills
Language Arts: Day 1 Christmas Book
Social Science Learn characteristics of Christmas season
Math: Review all math skills
Language Arts: Day 2 Christmas Book
Social Science Learn characteristics of Christmas season

Math: Review all math skills
Language Arts: Day 3 Christmas Book
Social Science Learn characteristics of Christmas season
Math: Review all math skills
Language Arts: Day4 Christmas Book
Social Science Learn characteristics of Christmas season

Monday, December 8, 2014

Lesson Plans for December 8-12


The students will:

1. Review all letters
2. Review sight words

3. Day 1-5 Christmas book
4. Review all math skills
5. Learn characteristics of Christmas season
Math:  Review all math skills
Language Arts: Day 1 Christmas Book
Social Science Learn characteristics of Christmas season
Math: Review all math skills
Language Arts: Day 2 Christmas Book
Field Trip to Wetumpka DepotWednesday
Math: Review all math skills
Language Arts: Day 3 Christmas Book
Social Science Learn characteristics of Christmas season
Math: Review all math skills
Language Arts: Day4 Christmas Book
Social Science Learn characteristics of Christmas season
Math Review all math skills
Language Arts Day 5 Christmas Book
Social Science Learn characteristics of Christmas season

Monday, December 1, 2014

Lesson Plans for December 1-5

The students will:

1. Recognize letter I i

2. Review sight words
3. Day 1-5 Farfalina and Marcel
4. Analyze, compare, and compose shapes
5. Describe characteristics of trees
Math:  Analyze, compare, and compose shapes
Language Arts: Day 1 Farfalina and Marcel
Social Science Trees
Math: Analyze, compare, and compose shapes
Language Arts: Day 2 Farfalina and Marcel
Social Science Trees
Math: Analyze, compare, and compose shapes
Language Arts: Day 3 Farfalina and Marcel
Social Science Trees
Math: Analyze, compare, and compose shapes
Language Arts: Day4 Farfalina and Marcel
Social Science Trees
Math Analyze, compare, and compose shapes
Language Arts Day 5 Farfalina and Marcel
Social Science 

Monday, November 17, 2014

-Lesson Plans for November 17-21

The students will:

1. Recognize letter Yy, Zz
2. Review sight words
3. Day 1-5 See How We Grow/ Thanksgiving book
4. Analyze, compare, and compose shapes
5. Learn about Thanksgiving Holiday
Math:  Analyze, compare, and compose shapes
Language Arts: Day 1 See How We Grow/ Thanksgiving book
Social Science Thanksgiving
Math: Analyze, compare, and compose shapes
Language Arts: Day 2 See How We Grow/ Thanksgiving book
Social Science Thanksgiving
Math: Analyze, compare, and compose shapes
Language Arts: Day 3 See How We Grow/ Thanksgiving book
Social Science Thanksgiving
Math: Analyze, compare, and compose shapes
Language Arts: Day4 See How We Grow/ Thanksgiving book
Social Science Thanksgiving
Math Analyze, compare, and compose shapes
Language Arts Day 5 See How We Grow/ Thanksgiving book
Social Science 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Lesson Plans for November 10-14

The students will:

1. Recognize letter Q,q, U, u
2. Recognize sight words do, here
3. Day 1-5 Little Quack
4. Describe and Compare measurable attributes
5. Complete an Author Study
6. Identify Plot in a story

Math:  Describe and Compare measurable attributes
Language Arts: Day 1 Little Quack
Social Science Author Study

No School

Math: Describe and Compare measurable attributes
Language Arts: Day 2 & 3 Little Quack
Social Science Author Study

Math: Describe and Compare measurable attributes
Language Arts: Day4 Little Quack
Social Science Author Study

Math Describe and Compare measurable attributes
Language Arts Day 5 Little Quack
Social Science 
Author Study

Monday, November 3, 2014

Lesson Plans November 3-7

The students will:

1. Recognize letter V,v and X,x
2. Recognize sight words are, that
3. Day 1-5 Whose Garden Is It?/ Fall Book
4. Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
5. Learn characteristics of fall season
Math:  Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 1 Whose Garden Is It?/ Fall Book
Social Science fall

Math: Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 2 Whose Garden Is It?/ Fall Book
Social Science fall

Math: Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 3 Whose Garden Is It?/ Fall Book
Social Science fall

Math: Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day4 Whose Garden Is It?/ Fall Book
Social Science fall

Math Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts Day 5 Whose Garden Is It?/ Fall Book
Social Science 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Lesson Plans for October 27-31

Objectives: The students will:

  1. Recognize letter J,j. W,w
  2. Recognize sequence in a story
  3. A Bed for the Winter On Day 1-5
  4. Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
  5. Recognize sight words they, you, of
Math:  Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 1 A Bed for the Winter
Social Science Bats and Spiders

Math: Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 2 A Bed for the Winter
Social Science Bats and Spiders

Math: Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 3 A Bed for the Winter
Social Science Bats and Spiders

Math: Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day4 A Bed for the Winter
Social Science Bats and Spiders

Math Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts Day 5 A Bed for the Winter
Social Science 
Bats and Spiders

Monday, October 20, 2014

The students will:

  1. Recognize letter E,e
  2. Recognize differences in realism and fantasy
  3. Bear Snores On Day 1-5
  4. Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
  5. Recognize sight words she, look, see
Math:  Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 1 Bear Snores On
Social Science Pumpkins

Math: Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 2 Bear Snores On 
Social Science Pumpkins

Math: Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 3 Bear Snores On
Social Science Pumpkins

Math: Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day4 Bear Snores On
Social Science Pumpkins

Math Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts Day 5 Bear Snores On
Social Science 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Lesson Plans October 13-17



The students will:

  1. Recognize letter G, g H, h
  2. Recognize differences in realism and fantasy
  3. Animal Babies in Grasslands/ Fire Safety Day 1-5
  4. Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
  5. Recognize sight words with, for, me


Math:  Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10

Language Arts: Day 1 Animal Babies in Grasslands/ Fire Safety

Social Science Fire Safety


Math: Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10

Language Arts: Day Animal Babies in Grasslands/ Fire Safety

Social Science Fire Safety


Math: Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10

Language Arts: Day 3 Animal Babies in Grasslands/ Fire Safety

Social Science Fire Safety


Pumpkin Patch Field Trip


Math Count and Classify objects and compare numbers 0-10
Language Arts Day 5 Animal Babies in Grasslands/ Fire Safety
Social Science Fire Safety

Monday, September 29, 2014

Lesson Plans for September 29- October 3




The students will:


  1. Recognize letter O,o
  2. Compare and Contrast
  3. Armadillo’s Orange/ 5 Senses Book Day 1-5
  4. Review numbers 0-5
  5. Review all sight words


Math:  Review numbers 0-5

Language Arts: Day 1 Armadillo’s Orange/ 5 Senses Book

Social Science 5 Senses



Math: Review numbers 0-5

Language Arts: Day 2  Armadillo’s Orange/ 5 Senses Book

Social Science 5 Senses


Math: Review numbers 0-5

Language Arts: Day 3 Armadillo’s Orange/ 5 Senses Book

Social Science 5 Senses


Math Review numbers 0-5

Language Arts: Day 4 Armadillo’s Orange/ 5 Senses Book

Social Science: 5 Senses


Math Review numbers 0-5
Language Arts Day 5 Armadillo’s Orange/ 5 Senses Book
Social Science 5 Senses Taste Test Party