Monday, December 17, 2012

Lesson plans December 17-21

Lesson Plans for December 10-14 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Recognize letter o 2. Day 1-5 Seeds 3. Draw Conclusions 4. Christmas 5. Recognize the sight words they, you, of 6. Learn place value; numbers to 19 Monday Math: Learn place value; numbers to 19 Language Arts: Day 1 Seeds Social Science Christmas Tuesday Math: Learn place value; numbers to 19 Language Arts: Day 2 Seeds Social Science Christmas Wednesday Math: Learn place value; numbers to 19 Language Arts: Day 3 Seeds Social Science Christmas Thursday Math Learn place value; numbers to 19 Language Arts: Day 4 Seeds Social Science: Christmas Friday Math: Learn place value; numbers to 19 Language Arts: Day 5 Seeds Social Science Christmas

Monday, December 10, 2012

Lesson Plans December 10-14

Lesson Plans for December 10-14 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Recognize letter Ff 2. Day 1-5 Farfallina and Marcel 3. Identify plot 4. Christmas 5. Recognize the sight words see, look 6. Learn place value; numbers to 19 Monday Math: Learn place value; numbers to 19 Language Arts: Day 1 Farfallina and Marcel Social Science Christmas Tuesday Math: Learn place value; numbers to 19 Language Arts: Day 2 Farfallina and Marcel Social Science Christmas Wednesday Math: Learn place value; numbers to 19 Language Arts: Day 3 Farfallina and Marcel Social Science Christmas Thursday Math Learn place value; numbers to 19 Language Arts: Day 4 Farfallina and Marcel Social Science: Christmas Friday Math: Learn place value; numbers to 19 Language Arts: Day 5 Farfallina and Marcel Social Science Christmas

Monday, December 3, 2012

Lesson Plans for December 3-7 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Recognize letter Dd, Kk 2. Day 1-5 See How We Grow 3. Identify cause and effect 4. Balls and Ramps 5. Recognize the sight words see, look 6. Learn place value Monday Math: Learn place value Language Arts: Day 1 See How We Grow Social Science Balls and Ramps Tuesday Math: Learn place value Language Arts: Day 2 See How We Grow Social Science Balls and Ramps Wednesday Math: Learn place value Language Arts: Day 3 See How We Grow Social Science Balls and Ramps Thursday Math Learn place value Language Arts: Day 4 See How We Grow Social Science: Balls and Ramps Friday Math: Learn place value Language Arts: Day 5 See How We Grow Social Science Balls and Ramps

Monday, November 26, 2012

Lesson Plans November 26-30

Lesson Plans for November 26-30 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Recognize letter Rr 2. Day 1-5 Little Quack 3. Identify plot 4. Conduct author study 5. Recognize the sight words with, me, she 6. Learn place value Monday Math: Learn place value Language Arts: Day 1 Little Quack Social Science Conduct author study Tuesday Math: Learn place value Language Arts: Day 2 Little Quack Social Science Conduct author study Boone and Collier Field Trip to Wetumpka Depot Wednesday Math: Learn place value Language Arts: Day 3 Little Quack Social Science Conduct author study Thursday Math Learn place value Language Arts: Day 4 Little Quack Social Science: Conduct author study Friday Math: Learn place value Language Arts: Day 5 Little Quack Social Science Conduct author study

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lesson Plans for November 13-16 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Recognize letter Nn 2. Day 1-5 Little Panda 3. Compare and Contrast 4. Learn about Thanksgiving 5. Recognize the sight words with, me, she 6. Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes Tuesday Math: Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes Language Arts: Day 2 Little Panda Social Science Thanksgiving Wednesday Math: Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes Language Arts: Day 3 Little Panda Social Science Thanksgiving Thursday Math Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes Language Arts: Day 4 Little Panda Social Science: Thanksgiving Friday Math: Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes Language Arts: Day 5 Little Panda Social Science Thanksgiving

Monday, November 5, 2012

Lesson Plans November 5-9

Lesson Plans for November 5-9 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Recognize letter Bb 2. Day 1-5 Whose Garden Is It? 3. Identify sequence 4. Learn about Fall 5. Recognize the sight words for, he 6. Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes Monday Math: Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes Language Arts: Day 1 Whose Garden Is It? Social Science Fall Tuesday Math: Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes Language Arts: Day 2 Whose Garden Is It? Social Science Fall Wednesday Math: Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes Language Arts: Day 3 Whose Garden Is It? Social Science Fall Thursday Math Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes Language Arts: Day 4 Whose Garden Is It? Social Science: Fall Friday Math: Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes Language Arts: Day 5 Whose Garden Is It? Social Science Fall

Monday, October 29, 2012

Lesson Plans October 29-November 2

Lesson Plans for October 29-Nov 2 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Recognize letter Ii 2. Day 1-5 A Bed for the Winter 3. Identify sequence 4. Learn about bats, spiders 5. Recognize the sight words for, he 6. Analyze, compare, and create 3D shapes Monday Math: Analyze, compare, and create 3D shapes Language Arts: Day 1 A Bed for the Winter Social Science bats, spiders Tuesday Math: Analyze, compare, and create 3D shapes Language Arts: Day 2 A Bed for the Winter Social Science bats, spiders Wednesday Math: Analyze, compare, and create 3D shapes Language Arts: Day 3 A Bed for the Winter Social Science bats, spiders Thursday Math Analyze, compare, and create 3D shapes Language Arts: Day 4 A Bed for the Winter Social Science: bats, spiders Friday Math: Analyze, compare, and create 3D shapes Language Arts: Day 5 A Bed for the Winter Social Science bats, spiders

Monday, October 15, 2012

Lesson Plans October 15-19

Lesson Plans for October 15-19 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Recognize letter Pp 2. Day 1-5 Animal Babies in Grasslands 3. Identify main idea 4. Learn about pumpkins 5. Recognize the sight words we, my, like 6. Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Monday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 1 Animal Babies in Grasslands Social Science pumpkins Tuesday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 2 Animal Babies in Grasslands Social Science pumpkins Wednesday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 3 Animal Babies in Grasslands Social Science pumpkins Thursday Math Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 4 Animal Babies in Grasslands Social Science: pumpkins Friday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 5 Animal Babies in Grasslands Social Science pumpkins

Monday, October 8, 2012

Lesson Plans October 8-12

Lesson Plans for October 8-12 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Recognize letter Ss 2. Day 1-5 Armadillo’s Orange 3. Determine setting in a story 4. Learn about safety 5. Recognize the sight words have, is 6. Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 7. REPORT CARD TEST Monday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 1 Armadillo’s Orange Social Science safety Tuesday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 2 Armadillo’s Orange Social Science safety Wednesday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 3 Armadillo’s Orange Social Science safety Thursday Math Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 4 Armadillo’s Orange Social Science: safety Friday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 5 Armadillo’s Orange Social Science safety

Monday, October 1, 2012

Lesson Plans for October 1-5 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Recognize letter Aa 2. Day 1-5 Life in an Ocean 3. Compare/Contrast 4. Learn about the five senses 5. Recognize the sight words have, is 6. Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Monday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 1 Life in an Ocean Social Science five senses Tuesday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 2 Life in an Ocean Social Science five senses Wednesday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 3 Life in an Ocean Social Science five senses Thursday Math Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 4 Life in an Ocean Social Science: five senses Friday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 6-10 Language Arts: Day 5 Life in an Ocean Social Science five senses

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lesson Plans for September 25- 28 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Recognize letter Tt 2. Day 1-5 Dig Dig Digging 3. Classify/ categorize 4. Learn about apples 5. Recognize the sight words to, a 6. Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Monday Parent teacher conferences Tuesday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 1 Dig Dig Digging Social Science apples Wednesday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 2 Dig Dig Digging Social Science apples Thursday Math Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 3 & 4 Dig Dig Digging Social Science: apples Friday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 5 Dig Dig Digging Social Science apples

Monday, September 17, 2012

Lesson Plans September 17-21

Lesson Plans for September 17-21 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Recognize letter Mm 2. Day 1-5 Julius 3. Identify Character in a story 4. Identify parts of a tree 5. Recognize the sight words to, a 6. Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Monday Math Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 1 Julius Social Science:Trees Tuesday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 2 Julius Social Science Trees Wednesday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 3 Julius Social Science Trees Thursday Math Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 4 Julius Social Science: Trees Friday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 5 Julius Social Science Trees

Monday, September 10, 2012

Lesson Plans for September 10-14 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Be introduced to letters T-Z 2. Day 1-5 Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip 3. Recognize Classify/ Categorize 4. Learn about feelings 5. Recognize the sight words the, little 6. Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Monday DIBELS Math Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 1 Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip Social Science: feelings Tuesday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 2 Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip Social Science feelings Wednesday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 3 Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip Social Science feelings Thursday Math Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 4 Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip Social Science: feelings Friday Math: Count, classify, and compare numbers 0-5 Language Arts: Day 5 Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip Social Science feelings

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lesson Plans September 4-7

Objectives: STUDENTS WILL 1. Read Plaidypus Lost Days 1-5 2. Be introduced to letters Oo-Ss, Review letters As- Nn 3. Recognize sight words the, little 4. Review 2 dimensional shapes 5. Learn "All About Me". Tuesday: 1. Plaidypus Lost Day 1 2. Review circle 3. All About Me Activity Wednesday: 1. Plaidypus Lost Day 2 2. Review square 3. All About Me Activity Thursday: 1. Plaidypus Lost Day 3 2. Review rectangle 3. All About Me Activity Friday: 1. Plaidypus Lost Day 4 & 5 2. Review triangle 3. All About Me Activity

Monday, August 27, 2012

Lesson Plans for August 27-31 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Be introduced to letters F-N 2. Day 1-5 Fix it Duck 3. Recognize setting 4. Learn Nursery Rhymes 5. Recognize the sight words I, am 6. Learn colors, 2D shapes Monday Math: Learn colors, 2D shapes Language Arts: Day 1 Fix it Duck Social Science: Nursery Rhymes Tuesday Math: Learn colors, 2D shapes Language Arts: Day 2 Fix it Duck Social Science Nursery Rhymes Wednesday Math: Learn colors, 2D shapes Language Arts: Day 3 Fix it Duck Social Science Nursery Rhymes Thursday Math: Learn colors, 2D shapes Language Arts: Day 4 Fix it Duck Social Science: Nursery Rhymes Friday Math: Learn colors, 2D shapes Language Arts: Day 5 Fix it Duck Social Science Nursery Rhymes

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lesson Plans May 14-18

Lesson Plans for May 14-18 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Decode words 2. Day 1-5 The House that Tony Lives In 3. Recognize setting 4. Learn about ocean 5. Recognize the sight words with, my, for, the, a, we, of, what 6. Review addition and subtraction Monday DIBELS Math: Review addition and subtraction Language Arts: Day 1 The House that Tony Lives In Social Science: ocean Tuesday Math: Review addition and subtraction Language Arts: Day 2 The House that Tony Lives In Social Science ocean Wednesday Math: Review addition and subtraction Language Arts: Day 3 The House that Tony Lives In Social Science ocean Thursday Math: Review addition and subtraction Language Arts: Day 4 The House that Tony Lives In Social Science: ocean Friday Math: Review addition and subtraction Language Arts: Day 5 The House that Tony Lives In Social Science ocean

Monday, May 7, 2012

Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Review short u 2. Day 1-5 The Night Worker 3. Recognize plot 4. Learn about ocean 5. Recognize the sight words with, what, a, do, to, the 6. Learn subtraction concepts Monday DIBELS Math: subtraction Language Arts: Day 1 The Night Worker Social Science: ocean Tuesday Math: subtraction Language Arts: Day 2 The Night Worker Social Science ocean Wednesday Math: subtraction Language Arts: Day 3 The Night Worker Social Science ocean Thursday Math: subtraction Language Arts: The Night Worker Social Science: ocean Friday Math: subtraction Language Arts: The Night Worker Social Science ocean

Monday, April 30, 2012

Lesson Plans for April 30- May 4

Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Review short e 2. Day 1-5 Building Beavers 3. Recognize main idea 4. Learn about living things 5. Recognize the sight words with, that, come, where, the 6. Learn subtraction concepts Monday DIBELS Math: subtraction Language Arts: Day 1 Building Beavers Social Science: living things Tuesday Math: subtraction Language Arts: Day 2 Building Beavers Social Science living things Wednesday Math: subtraction Language Arts: Day 3 Building Beavers Social Science living things Thursday Math: subtraction Language Arts: Building Beavers Social Science: living things Friday Math: subtraction Language Arts: Building Beavers Social Science living things

Monday, April 23, 2012

Lesson Plans April 23-27

Lesson Plans for April 23-27 Objectives: The students will be able to: 1. Review short o 2. Day 1-5 Old MacDonald Had a Woodshop 3. Recognize character in a story 4. Learn about weather 5. Recognize the sight words here, go, with, little, do, what, the 6. Learn subtraction concepts Monday Math: subtraction Language Arts: Day 1 Old MacDonald Had a Woodshop Social Science: weather Tuesday Math: subtraction Language Arts: Day 2 Old MacDonald Had a Woodshop Social Science weather Wednesday Math: subtraction Language Arts: Day 3 Old MacDonald Had a Woodshop Social Science weather Thursday Math: subtraction Language Arts: Old MacDonald Had a Woodshop Social Science: weather Friday Math: subtraction Language Arts: Day 5 Old MacDonald Had a Woodshop Social Science weather

Monday, April 16, 2012

Lesson Plans for April 16-20

Lesson Plans for April 16-20

The students will be able to:
1. Review short a and short i
2. Day 1-5 Homes Around the World
3. Compare and contrast
4. Learn different zoo animals
5. Recognize the sight words the, a, is, said
6. Learn addition concepts

Math: Addition
Language Arts: Day 1 Homes Around the World
Social Science: Zoo Animals

Math: Addition
Language Arts: Day 2 Homes Around the World
Social Science Zoo Animals

Math: Addition
Language Arts: Day 3 & 4 Homes Around the World
Social Science Zoo Animals

Zoo Field Trip

Math: Addition
Language Arts: Day 5 Homes Around the World
Social Science Zoo Animals

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lesson Plans April 9-13

Lesson Plans for April 9-13

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize letters Yy, & Qq
2. Day 1-5 This is the Way We Go to School
3. Draw conclusions
4. Learn different zoo animals
5. Recognize the sight words Where, come
6. Learn addition concepts

Math: Addition
Language Arts: Day 1 This is the Way We Go to School
Social Science: Zoo Animals

Math: Addition
Language Arts: Day 2 This is the Way We Go to School
Social Science Zoo Animals

Math: Addition
Language Arts: Day 3 This is the Way We Go to School
Social Science Zoo Animals

Math: Addition
Language Arts: Day 4 This is the Way We Go to School
Social Science Zoo Animals

Math: Addition
Language Arts: Day 5 This is the Way We Go to School
Social Science Zoo Animals

Monday, April 2, 2012

Lesson Plans April 2-5

Lesson Plans for April 2-5

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize Vv, and Zz
2. Day 1-5 On the Move
3. Compare and contrast
4. Learn traditions of Easter
5. Recognize the sight words Where, come
6. Understand addition concepts

Math: Introduce Addition
Language Arts: Day 1 On the Move
Social Science: Easter

Math: Addition
Language Arts: Day 2 On the Move
Social Science Easter

Math: Addition
Language Arts: Day 3 On the Move
Social Science Easter Egg Hunt

Lorax Field Trip

No School

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lesson Plans March 19-23

Lesson Plans for March 12-16

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize short u
2. Day 1-5 The Little Engine That Could
3. Identify plot
4. Learn characteristics of living things
5. Recognize the sight words What, Said, Was
6. Learn number words 0- 10

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 1 The Little Engine That Could
Social Science: living things

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 2 The Little Engine That Could
Social Science living things

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 3 The Little Engine That Could
Social Science living things

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 4 The Little Engine That Could
Social Science living things

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 5 The Little Engine That Could
Social Science living things

Monday, March 12, 2012

Lesson Plans for March 12- 16

Lesson Plans for March 12-16

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize letter Xx
2. Day 1-5 Messenger Messenger
3. Compare and Contrast
4. Learn characteristics of space
5. Recognize the sight words What, Said, Was
6. Learn number words 0- 10

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 1 Messenger Messenger
Social Science: Space

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 2 Messenger Messenger
Social Science Space

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 3 Messenger Messenger
Social Science Space

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 4 Messenger Messenger
Social Science Space

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 5 Messenger Messenger
Social Science Space

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lesson Plans March 5-9

Lesson Plans for March 5- March 9

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize letter Xx
2. Day 1-5 Mayday Mayday!
3. Identify cause and effect
4. Learn characteristics of space
5. Recognize the sight words yellow, blue, green
6. Learn number words 0- 10

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 1 Mayday Mayday!
Social Science: Space

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 2 Mayday Mayday!
Social Science Space

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 3 Mayday Mayday!
Social Science Space

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 4 Mayday Mayday!
Social Science Space

Math: Learn number words 0- 10
Language Arts: Day 5 Mayday Mayday!
Social Science Space

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lesson Plans February 27- March 2

Lesson Plans for February 27- March 2

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize letters Jj and Ww
2. Day 1-5 Max Takes the Train
3. Identify realism or fantasy in a story
4. Learn characteristics of farm
5. Recognize the sight words yellow, blue, green
6. Learn different ways to measure

Math: Learn different ways to measure
Language Arts: Day 1 Max Takes the Train
Social Science: Learn characteristics of farm

Math: Learn different ways to measure
Language Arts: Day 2 Max Takes the Train
Social Science Learn characteristics of farm

Math: Learn different ways to measure
Language Arts: Day 3 Max Takes the Train
Social Science Learn characteristics of farm

Math: Learn different ways to measure
Language Arts: Day 4 Max Takes the Train
Social Science Learn characteristics of farm

Math: Learn different ways to measure
Language Arts: Day 5 Max Takes the Train
Social Science Learn characteristics of farm

Monday, February 20, 2012

Lessons February 20-24

Lesson Plans for February 20-24

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize short e
2. Day 1-5 Abuela
3. Identify setting in a story
4. Learn characteristics of farm
5. Recognize the sight words here, go, from
6. Learn to divide whole objects into parts

Math: Learn to divide whole objects into parts
Language Arts: Day 1 Abuela
Social Science: Learn characteristics of farm

Math: Learn to divide whole objects into parts
Language Arts: Day 2 Abuela
Social Science Learn characteristics of farm

Math: Learn to divide whole objects into parts
Language Arts: Day 3 Abuela
Social Science Learn characteristics of farm

Math: Learn to divide whole objects into parts
Language Arts: Day 4 Abuela
Social Science Learn characteristics of farm

Math: Learn to divide whole objects into parts
Language Arts: Day 5 Abuela
Social Science Learn characteristics of farm

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lesson Plans February 13-17

Lesson Plans for February 13-17

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize short e
2. Day 1-5 If You Could Go To Antarctica
3. Classify/ categorize
4. Learn about Famous American presidents
5. Recognize the sight words here, go, from
6. Use graphs and venn diagrams

Math: Introduce graphs and venn diagrams
Language Arts: Day 1 If You Could Go To Antarctica
Social Science: Famous American presidents

Math: graphs and venn diagrams
Language Arts: Day 2 If You Could Go To Antarctica
Social Science Famous American presidents

Math: graphs and venn diagrams
Language Arts: Day 3 If You Could Go To Antarctica
Social Science Famous American presidents

Math: graphs and venn diagrams
Language Arts: Day 4 If You Could Go To Antarctica
Social Science Famous American presidents

Math: graphs and venn diagrams
Language Arts: Day 5 If You Could Go To Antarctica
Social Science Famous American presidents

Monday, February 6, 2012

Lesson Plans February 6-10

Lesson Plans for February 6- 10

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize the letter G, g
2. Day 1-5 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
3. Identify characters
4. Learn different types of community helpers
5. Recognize the sight words one, two, three, four, five
6. Recognize money

Math: Introduce Quarter
Language Arts: Day 1 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Social Science: Community Helpers

Math: Review penny, nickel, quarter
Language Arts: Day 2 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Social Science Community Helpers

Math: Introduce Dime
Language Arts: Day 3 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Social Science Community Helpers

Math: Review penny, nickel, dime, quarter. Introduce dollar
Language Arts: Day 4 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Social Science Community Helpers

Math: Review all coins, dollar
Language Arts: Day 5 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Social Science Community Helpers

Monday, January 30, 2012

Lesson Plans January 30- February 3

Lesson Plans for January 30- February 3

The students will be able to:
1. Use consonant blends to make words
2. Day 1-5 One Little Mouse
3. Identify sequence
4. Learn different types of community helpers
5. Recognize the sight words one, two, three, four, five
6. Be introduced to money
7. Finish progress report testing

Math: Introduce money
Language Arts: Day 1 One Little Mouse
Social Science: Community Helpers

Math: Introduce penny
Language Arts: Day 2 One Little Mouse
Social Science Community Helpers

Math: Review Penny
Language Arts: Day 3 One Little Mouse
Social Science Community Helpers

Math: Introduce Nickel
Language Arts: Day 4 One Little Mouse
Social Science Community Helpers

Math: Review Penny and Nickel
Language Arts: Day 5 One Little Mouse
Social Science Community Helpers

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lesson Plans January 23-27

Lesson Plans for January 23-27

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize the letter Ll
2. Day 1-5 My Lucky Day
3. Identify cause and effect
4. Learn different types of cultural celebrations
5. Recognize the sight words do, are, that
6. Review numbers 15- 20

Math: Review numbers 15- 20
Language Arts: Day 1 My Lucky Day
Social Science: cultural celebrations

Math: Review numbers 15- 20
Language Arts: Day 2 My Lucky Day
Social Science cultural celebrations

Math: Review numbers 15- 20
Language Arts: Day 3 My Lucky Day
Social Science cultural celebrations

Math: Review numbers 15- 20
Language Arts: Day 4 My Lucky Day
Social Science cultural celebrations s

Math: Review numbers 15- 20
Language Arts: Day 5 My Lucky Day
Social Science cultural celebrations

Friday, January 13, 2012

Lesson Plans January 17- 20

Lesson Plans for January 17- 20

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize the letter H,h
2. Day 1-5 Bunny Day
3. Identify sequence
4. Learn characteristics of winter animals
5. Recognize the sight words do, are, that
6. Introduce numbers 16-20

No School

Math: Introduce numbers 16-20
Language Arts: Day 1 & 2 Bunny Day
Social Science winter animals

Math: Introduce numbers 16-20
Language Arts: Day 3 Bunny Day
Social Science winter animals

Math: Introduce numbers 16-20
Language Arts: Day 4 Bunny Day
Social Science winter animals

Math: Introduce numbers 16-20
Language Arts: Day 5 Bunny Day
Social Science winter animals

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9- 13

Lesson Plans for January 9- 13

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize the letter Ll
2. Day 1-5 Hide Clyde!
3. Identify cause and effect
4. Learn characteristics winter animals
5. Recognize the sight words do, are, that
6. Introduce numbers 11-15

Math: Introduce numbers 11-15
Language Arts: Day 1 Hide Clyde!
Social Science: winter animals

Math: Introduce numbers 11-15
Language Arts: Day 2 Hide Clyde!
Social Science winter animals

Math: Introduce numbers 11-15
Language Arts: Day 3 Hide Clyde!
Social Science winter animals

Math: Introduce numbers 11-15
Language Arts: Day 4 Hide Clyde!
Social Science winter animals

Math: Introduce numbers 11-15
Language Arts: Day 5 Hide Clyde!
Social Science winter animals

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lesson Plans January 3- 6

Lesson Plans for November January 3-7

The students will be able to:
1. Recognize the short o sound
2. Day 1-5 Seeds
3. Identify skill: Drawing Conclusions
4. Learn characteristics of Winter
5. Recognize the sight words they, you, of
6. Review numbers 0-10

No School

Math: Review numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 1 & 2 Seeds
Social Science Winter

Math: Review numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 3 Seeds
Social Science Winter

Math: Review numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 4 Seeds
Social Science Winter

Math: Review numbers 0-10
Language Arts: Day 5 Seeds
Social Science Winter